State News

Burnt-out and broken: ambo physical and psychological injury soars 378%

29 November 2023

System at breaking-point takes toll on stretched paramedics

Bombshell new analysis has exposed the extraordinary impact Labor’s chaos and crisis is having on Queensland’s already stretched and stressed paramedics.

Shockingly, paramedics are now taking four-times more psychological and physical injury leave than in 2018, as the Queensland Health Crisis pushes them to breaking-point.

Injury leave has skyrocketed 378%.

The news comes after revelations forced-ambo overtime has soared to a record 1.3 million hours in the past year and whistle-blower paramedics revealed they are forced to call-in sick to have a day off, after working double shifts to cover the break-down of the system has become standard practice.

Leader of the Opposition David Crisafulli said this was the real cost of Labor’s wrong priorities and failure to heal the Queensland Health Crisis.

“Queensland Health Crisis has left paramedics burnt-out and broken, left to bare the brutal impacts of Labor’s failure to resource our health system,” Mr Crisafulli said.

“Years of taking on double shifts has left our hardworking ambos at breaking point, unable to go on.

“Hospital logjams leave ambos waiting on hospital ramps while Queenslanders lay waiting for help.

“Queensland paramedics have been desperately attempting to hold the fabric of our health system together as it is falling apart at the seams due to Labor’s wrong priorities.

“Only the LNP has the Right Priorities for Queensland’s Future, including driving-down ambulance ramping and healthcare waitlists.

“Easier access to health services is our priority, because it’s Queenslanders’ priority.”

Shadow Minister for Health and Registered Nurse Ros Bates said Queensland paramedics were doing an extraordinary job, in spite of Labor’s chaos and crisis.

“This is another untold impact of the Queensland Health Crisis, resulting from nearly a decade failure to resource and run our health system,” Ms Bates said.

“It’s clear to see our paramedics have been pushed to the brink of exhaustion. 

“Our hardworking paramedics, doctors and nurses are all doing an extraordinary job under challenging circumstances.

“The Queensland Health Crisis is not only impacting patients, our incredible frontline paramedics are paying a high price for Labor’s failures.

“Sitting on the end of a hospital ramp, unable to respond to calls for help, is not what they signed up for.

“The LNP has put solutions on the table to heal the Queensland Health Crisis including better resources, better triaging, sharing data in real-time and putting doctors and nurses back in charge to improve patient care.”