State News

Crime soars across Mackay

5 December 2023

Break-ins, stolen cars and theft skyrocket


Damning new police figures have revealed a drastic increase in the number of break-ins, stolen cars and theft across Mackay, as pressure grows on the Palaszczuk Labor Government to adopt the LNPs plan to remove detention as a last resort from the Youth Justice Act. 
Analysis of Queensland Police statistics comparing November 2021-October 2022 to November 2022-October 2023 revealed across Mackay: 

  • 40% increase in the number of stolen cars 
  • 147% increase in shop break-ins 
  • 33% increase in all break-ins 
  • 23% increase in theft 

It comes after it was revealed in a Parliamentary Question on Notice that no juvenile offender has received the maximum penalty for car theft, as part of the Palaszczuk Government’s new laws that were announced in December 2022. 
Deputy Leader of the Opposition Jarrod Bleijie said Labor has created a generation of untouchables after watering down Queensland’s crime laws eight years ago. 
“Communities like Mackay are fed up with the Palaszczuk Labor Government denying there’s a crime crisis,” Mr Bleijie said. 

“Queenslanders were promised a ‘tough’ on crime crackdown, but under Labor they’ve had weak laws and falling police numbers. 

“One year on from Labor’s latest so-called plan to combat youth crime and not one young offender has received the maximum penalty Queensland was told they would. 

“This is an insult to the Queenslanders who’ve been terrorised in their home at night, had their businesses ransacked or had their family car stolen. 

“Labor talks tough but the reality is they’re soft on crime.  

“Queenslanders are tired of their empty, broken promises. 

“With soft laws, 202 fewer police and a tired third term Labor Government, is it any wonder Queensland is in the middle of a crime crisis? 

“A safer community is a priority for Queenslanders, which is why it’s our priority. 

“Our solutions to tackle the Queensland Youth Crime Crisis include more police, rewriting the Youth Justice Act, creating consequences for actions, unshackling the judiciary by removing detention as a last resort and delivering gold standard early intervention.” 

Stolen Cars
Period Mackay Mackay Northern Beaches Total
Nov21-Oct22 178 64 242
Nov22-Oct23 228 111 339
Diff % 28% 73% 40%


Period Mackay Mackay Northern Beaches Total
Nov21-Oct22 440 152 592
Nov22-Oct23 579 210 789
Diff % 32% 38% 33%


Theft (excluding break-ins)
Period Mackay Mackay Northern Beaches Total
Nov21-Oct22 1670 362 2032
Nov22-Oct23 1918 583 2501
Diff % 15% 61% 23%


Break-ins to retail
Period Mackay Mackay Northern Beaches Total
Nov21-Oct22 31 7 38
Nov22-Oct23 73 21 94
Diff % 135% 200% 147%


Source: Queensland Police