State News

Health Minister caught failing to hand in her homework, again

14 November 2023

Shannon Fentiman fails to release critical ambulance health data

Health Minister Shannon Fentiman has again been caught-out withholding critical data about the Queensland Health Crisis, failing to reveal how long patients are waiting ramped in ambulances outside Emergency Departments.

A Question on Notice with data about the longest ramping wait-times was due last week, but Shannon Fentiman has failed to respond.

After taking 129 days to update Queenslanders on ambulance ramping, specialist waitlists and surgery waitlists, this is another example of the Health Minister’s appalling record which is worse than her sacked predecessor Yvette D’Ath, and the trouble-prone Steven Miles.

Shadow Health Minister and Registered Nurse Ros Bates said Queenslanders deserved the truth about the Queensland Health Crisis, not more of Labor’s chaos and crisis.

“It took 129 days for Shannon Fentiman to release quarterly health data and now she can’t even hand her homework in on time by responding to this Question on Notice,” Ms Bates said.

“Queenslanders deserve to know what’s happening in the health system but Minister Fentiman is hiding data about how long patients are waiting ramped in ambulances at our hospitals.

“Shannon Fentiman, why are you hiding the truth about the Queensland Health Crisis? Show us the numbers.

“Why has this been delayed, is the Heath Minister attempting to spin the numbers to hide the truth?

“Being open and transparent is the only way we can heal the Queensland Health Crisis.

“Queenslanders have put up with the chaos and crisis that has plagued the Palaszczuk Labor Government for far too long, and they deserve better.

“A priority for Queenslanders is a reliable health system, which is why it’s our priority.

“Only the LNP has the Right Priorities for Queensland’s Future, including easier access to health services.

“The LNP has put solutions on the table to heal the Queensland Health Crisis including better resources, better triaging, sharing data in real-time and putting doctors and nurses back in charge to improve patient care.”