State News

Increasing housing supply critical to helping first home buyers

19 November 2023

Increasing housing supply critical to helping first home buyers

Responsibility for the Queensland Housing Crisis sits squarely at the feet of the Palaszczuk Labor Government.

For close to a decade, land supply has dwindled and house lot approvals have declined.

The warning bells have been sounding for years, but Labor has been too consumed by its own chaos and crisis to heed them.

For years Labor has failed to deliver the housing supply needed for our growing population.

House lot approvals are now the lowest they’ve been since records started 20 years ago, down 30% under the Palaszczuk Labor Government.

Today, we’ve seen a desperate Government attempting to announce their way out of the housing crisis they created.

Today is a small step in the right direction but Labor has again failed to address the critical issue of housing supply.

Queensland is bottom of the ladder for home ownership and this won’t be solved without improving housing supply.

That’s why the LNP announced our 10-year plan to boost home ownership last month, with a multi-faceted approach to put Queensland on top of the national home ownership ladder.

The LNP’s plan to boost home ownership in Queensland includes addressing housing supply, tax relief and incentives.

Only by addressing all three aspects of this issue will more Queenslanders realise their dream of owning a home and we will ease the Queensland Housing Crisis.

The LNP’s priorities are securing our housing foundations by improving housing affordability with more land supply and helping Queenslanders realise their dream of owning their own home.

Only the LNP has the Right Priorities for Queensland’s Future.