State News

Labor’s Power Fail

15 January 2024

Callide deadline missed for the seventh time
Queenslanders to pay more for power the longer Callide is offline


Labor has again missed their deadline to restore the critical Callide C power plant.

This is the seventh time Labor has broken their promise to restore the critical power plant.

This is a huge cost of living blow to Queenslanders.

It will drive up power prices for Queenslanders.  Again. 

With another deadline missed, Queenslanders need to know what is happening with Callide C and when will it finally be restored.

Labor categorically cannot be trusted, they have left a field of broken promises and energy failures.

Labor promised 150 occasions power prices would go down under Labor, and they haven’t.

They repeatedly promised power prices wouldn’t rise because of the Callide outage, but they have.

All Labor has delivered is chaos and crisis.

Queenslanders know the longer they wait for Labor to fix Callide, the more they pay for power.

Both the Auditor-General and the Queensland Competition Authority has exposed this is directly responsible for sending Queensland power prices skyrocketing.

In fact, average household electricity bills in Queensland increased by 23.6%, the highest in the country.

Only the LNP has the Right Priorities for Queensland’s Future, including saving you from paying for Labor’s failures.

Labor’s missed-deadlines to restore Callide C include:

  • 21 December 2022
  • 3 January 2023
  • 11 February 2023
  • 8 May 2023
  • 30 June 2023
  • 7 January 2024
  • 24 January 2024