State News

Queenslanders deserve an explanation from Health Minister

23 November 2023

Queenslanders deserve an explanation from
no-show Health Minister

“Fail to front-up Fentiman” must today explain why she was missing yesterday when the state’s patients’ records system crashed.

With chaos running through her health system, Fentiman was nowhere to be seen.

She refused to front up.

In place of the leadership Queenslanders deserved, the under pressure Minister issued a few tin-eared weasel words that were deliberately misleading and put her at odds with health workers on the frontlines.

Those on the frontline described the crash as:

  • “Absolute nightmare”
  • “A big mess”
  • “Horrific”
  • “Hospitals are in chaos”
  • “It is absolute mayhem”
  • “This is unsafe on so many levels”

Fentiman claimed the eight hour crash was a:

  • “technical hiccough”

Photo-op Fentiman failed to front because she was more worried about how she looked instead of what was actually happening.

Patient safety was put at risk and this happened on her watch.

With so many issues running through the Queensland Health Crisis, with patient safety on the line, Fentiman needs to focus and prioritise the job she’s got instead of the one she wants.

Queenslanders deserve better.