State News

Unlawful entry offences soar across Hervey Bay

17 November 2023

Damning new police figures have revealed a drastic increase in the number of unlawful entry offences across Wide Bay, as pressure grows on the Palaszczuk Labor Government to adopt the LNPs plan to remove detention as a last resort from the Youth Justice Act.

Analysis of Queensland Police statistics comparing October 2021-September 2022 to October 2022-September 2023 revealed a 28% increase in the number of unlawful entry offences in the Hervey Bay Police division.

It comes after it was revealed in a Parliamentary Question on Notice that no juvenile offender has received the maximum penalty for car theft, as part of the Palaszczuk Government’s new laws that were introduced in December 2022.

Shadow Minister for Police Dale Last said Labor has created a generation of untouchables.

“Communities like Wide Bay are fed up with the Palaszczuk Labor Government denying there’s a crime crisis,” Mr Last said.

“Queenslanders were promised a ‘tough’ on crime crackdown, but under Labor they’ve had weak laws and falling police numbers.

“A safer community is a priority for Queenslanders, which is why it’s our priority.

“Our solutions to tackle the Queensland Youth Crime Crisis include more police, rewriting the Youth Justice Act, creating consequences for actions, unshackling the judiciary by removing detention as a last resort and delivering gold standard early intervention.”

LNP Candidate for Hervey Bay David Lee said communities across the Fraser Coast were sick of living in fear.

“Labor’s weak laws aren’t working,” Mr Lee said.

“Hervey Bay deserves an MP that will listen to Queenslanders and fight for our community.

“A 28% rise in unlawful entry offences and only one extra police officer on the streets of Wide Bay is completely unacceptable.

“The LNP has the Right Priorities for Queensland’s Future and that includes putting the rights of victims ahead of the rights of offenders.

“Labor’s priorities are all wrong.

“Wide Bay and Fraser Coast residents deserve better.”

LNP Candidate for Maryborough John Barounis said the LNP’s priority was making our community safer. 

“Our community doesn’t want to be living in fear, they’re tired of growing crime,” Mr Barounis said.

“Only the LNP has the Right Priorities, including making our community safer.”

SOURCE: Queensland Police Service

Unlawful Entry
Period  #
Oct21-Sep22 489
Oct22-Sep23 628
Percentage Increase: 28%